We've had a busy couple of months. Here are some photos from our recent activities...
Maeghan 'helping' me make a cake.

Maeghan decided that Podger needed some company in his bed. Poor dog doesn't get much rest with Maeghan around. He's pretty tolerant. It takes a lot to annoy him, though Isaac has managed to find his limits.
Here are a few photos from our recent visit to Featherdale Wildlife park. We were able to get up & close the the kangaroos & koala's. We even featured in the making of some Korean travel show. Maeghan was the star of course. She showed no fear of the animals, though the emu was pretty intimidating.
Derrick running in the 1/2 marathon. He finished it in 90:12. Devastatingly close to breaking the 90 min mark for the first time.
Derrick' new toy...
My new hobby... daggy - but rewarding. I knitted this in about a week. In Bridget Jones Diary style I'm planning to knit Derrick a reindeer jumper for Christmas. He's going to love it.