Yeah - I know, it's been a while since I've added anything new to the blog. Mostly it's been the busy routine of work, house stuff, Christmas parties etc etc... It was only when a friend asked for a recent photo of Maeghan that I realised it had been a few weeks since I had even had the camera out.
So.. I've made a special effort this month to take a few photos and put together a blog entry.

This month has seen the emergence of an even cheekier little girl. She's really comprehending what we are saying to her... and really deliberating NOT doing what we ask her!! One of her latest tricks is to stand at the Christmas tree until I notice her... wait till I tell her 'no touching'... and then grab a decoration and make a run for it! Squealing the whole time.

We also have a little princess on our hands. Talk about girly girl... headbands, hair clips, brushing her hair, pretending to put creams on her face... and oh my goodness... her obsession with shoes!!! If she's not bringing you her shoes to put on her, she's carrying around someone else's. This morning she was getting so cranky when she was putting her foot into one of Derrick's shoes and trying to walk, it kept falling off. Sometimes I'm sure I see elements of Derrick's short fuse coming through.

She's really started to get into the Wiggles. I assume that they've infiltrated Ireland as well. She pulls out her little lounge and sits down, mesmerised by the TV. Not sure if this is a good thing, but it does give me the 20 minutes I need to get dinner started. Thanks to the influence of Isaac, she also loves Thomas the Tank Engine and shrieks with excitement when she sees it on TV. The two of them fight constantly over the little trains. At this stage Isaac is a bit bigger so he usually wins, but Maeghan is getting quite tough so give her a bit of time & I'm sure she'll be giving it back to him as well.
It's a tough life Maeghan has. Chilling out, kicking back in the deck chairs. It's one of her favourite spots. Must take after her father. A little bit too young to chill out with a beer in hand as well.

Derrick has been busy around the house. The pool filter blew it a few weeks ago, so the pool has turned a lovely shade of dark green. In the process of digging out the old filter to install the new one, he's come across a red belly black snake in the backyard. Not known to be an aggressive snake, but still, I wouldn't want to step on one. I don't think it would tickle.
The mini has also been blowing serious puff's of black smoke out the exhaust and back firing all over the shop. As a result, Derrick has been on peddle power for the last month. I suppose amongst all of the other jobs around the house, it might get looked at over the Christmas break. He did try to work on it for a few evenings, but when the noise of it woke up the baby next door, there was no choice but to leave it till there is time on weekend.

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