The first set of photos were taken after a box for the new pool filter turned into a temporary cubby house. You know what they say about kids & boxes, they rather the box than the object that came in them. Well as you can see, this box was big enough for even Derrick to climb in - just!
Friday, January 30, 2009
Perfecting the art of play...
The first set of photos were taken after a box for the new pool filter turned into a temporary cubby house. You know what they say about kids & boxes, they rather the box than the object that came in them. Well as you can see, this box was big enough for even Derrick to climb in - just!
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Happy Summer Days
Our Christmas holidays were spent up the coast at Umina. There is nothing like a lazy week doing nothing but lying on the couch watching the cricket or reading a book. At least once a day we'd drag ourselves into the heat for a swim down at the beach. Maeghan loved the water. The beach is perfect for kids. It's very flat and shallow so really safe to paddle around and play.
I'm so paranoid about getting sunburnt, Maeghan was fully covered up and given no chance of getting a tan. We're still undecided about who's skin tone she has inherited. Despite all of my efforts, she does look like she has a bit of colour and has also developed two freckles! I've tried to wash them off in the bath, but no luck. Here is a collective photo of our family of feet. I'll let you decide who's skin tone she has so far.
The poor dogs never get much peace and quiet when there are kids around. Maeghan has decided that she likes to take the dogs for a walk, so the dogs are often being dragged around the back yard by their lead. Isaac is constantly pushing the boundaries of Podger's tolerance. The poor dog is forever watching his back against Isaacs obsession with picking him up by his tale.
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Christmas 08
I suppose she must have been good this year because Santa certainly came. There were books, jigsaws and table & chair sets, there were Thomas trains and sand & water tables and not to mention the Christmas stocking full of bits and pieces.
We had to turn our spare room into a toy room just to cope with the overload. Time to start planning that house extension, Maeghan is taking over the space we have.
After breakfast we all gathered over at my parents house for the usual Christmas lunch. Seemed that Santa ran out of space under our tree because he also left a load of present over there as well. Bikes and dolls and more toys!!! If Maeghan was a little bit more interested in the present than ripping the paper off it would have made all those hours shopping worth it. Next time, I'll just wrap a load of empty cardboard boxes and let her go for it.