With so many long hot days we've had lots of time to play outside in the evenings. Here is a collection of some photos taken during the summer.
The first set of photos were taken after a box for the new pool filter turned into a temporary cubby house. You know what they say about kids & boxes, they rather the box than the object that came in them. Well as you can see, this box was big enough for even Derrick to climb in - just!

The dogs are a regular feature in our outdoor activities. Just so everyone knows who they are - this is a photo of Gemma.

and this is Podger.

The mini has been out of action for a few months now, so it hasn't been out of the garage for a while, but every now and then it comes out so we can get to things in the back of the garage. This was one of those times and Maeghan seems have great fun playing in her big 'toy' car.

Derrick - On a break from working on the paving around the pool.

We've just had the Australia Day long weekend and after all the work that's been done on the house up at Umina, we were back up there for a few days break. The weather was sweltering. I think it was up in the 40's on the saturday, but thankfully a cool change came through on sunday and the temperatures dropped nearly 20 degrees overnight.

The water has been beautifully warm and we managed a trip to the beach each day for a quick swim and a play in the sand. Umina beach is one of a few beaches in the area that allow dogs to play off-leash & the dog's obsolutely love it.
Susanne and her crew came up for a day or say and in a rare moment, Maeghan and Isaac are actually playing happily side by side. They are getting better, but sharing is not one of those skills that comes easily at this age.

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