Monday, December 31, 2007
Busy busy times...
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
8 weeks today
Our first Santa experience
Of course Mum wanted a Santa photo taken with all the grandkids & by chance we happened to be out shopping with all the kids in coordinating outfits. So much for easing the kids into the whole Santa concept, first week that Santa appears in the shops, we had to have the photos taken. Elissa was a bit apprehensive but we told her that Maeghan needed her to hold her hand so she wouldn't be scared. At least she didn't have to sit on the scary man's lap. Isaac was not keen at all. You would barely notice that he's sitting on Susanne's lap, which is covered in a red blanket. Oh well, this is the first of many Santa photo's.

Friday, November 30, 2007
Her father's daughter
Saturday, November 24, 2007
How much have I grown...
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Elissa & Isaac... the cousins
I'm sure there'll be plenty more photos of the kids as time goes on, but here are a few photos from the first few weeks.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
4 weeks old already...
Dad and Maeghan do scary eyes together. We're not quite sure who Maeghan will take after yet, but she seems to have Derrick's short temper already and will lose it quite quickly if dinner is just not delivered quickly enough.
Trying to find the right time to have tummy time on the floor is a bit tricky, especially when full bellies often come up all over the place. This is a photo from one of the good times. At least dinner came up before we were dressed for the day.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Sculptures by the Sea
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Home Sweet Home
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
The fur kids
This is Podger, he is a 2yr old Pug x King Charles Cavalier ... and the cheeky dog of the family. I was most worried about how Podger would cope with the new addition to the family. He has after all, been my baby for the last few years & has been intensely spoilt. Surprisingly he has taken to Maeghan with an enormous amount of affection. He sits there and wags his tail with such enthusiasm that I think it is in danger of developing RSI.
Gemma is 6 month old Sheltie (Shetland Sheepdog). She is protective, loyal and intensely jeolous of anyone that gets attention besides herself. Gemma is going to find it the toughest out of the two dogs to adjust to the new member of the family. Mostly because she absolutely idolises Derrick & finds frustrating when he gives attention to anyone besides herself. She barks and bounces on her front two paws like crazy. Needless to say, Derrick has a new priority in his life and has been ignoring her antics. We'll gradually get her used to the new pecking order in the family.
Sydney Marathon 2007
This is obviously fairly early in the race... notice that Derrick still has the energy to smile at the camera!
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Bath-time Fun
We're saving the x-rated bath photos for Maeghan's 21st birthday. No point in embarrassing her before she's old enough to really appreciate it.
What can we say... she's a cutie (not that we're biased or anything)